Picking the Perfect Content Format for Your B2B SaaS Goals

Imagine you have a toolbox filled with amazing tools, but you’re not sure which one to use for the job. That’s how content marketing can feel for B2B SaaS founders. You have a ton of content options (blogs, videos, infographics), but how do you choose the right one to achieve your goals?

The secret lies in understanding how content goals shape content types. Let’s break it down!

Not all content is created equal. Each type has its strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a deeper dive into how content goals shape the best content types for B2B SaaS companies:

1. Goal: Build Brand Awareness

  • Content Type Champions:
    • Blog Posts: Regularly published blog posts establish your brand as a thought leader and resource within your industry. Share your knowledge and insights on hot topics through valuable blog content. Aim for search-engine optimized (SEO) posts to increase organic reach.
    • Infographics: Eye-catching infographics condense complex information into visually appealing formats. These graphics are great for social media. They can simplify complex industry data or key ideas about your product.
    • Social Media Snippets: Engaging social media posts, like tweets or carousel slides, are an effective way to show off your brand. They’re easily consumed. Use cool visuals, interesting questions, or industry news to grab attention and get people talking.
    • Video Shorts: Videos of less than 120 seconds require less production and are easier to produce. They’re a different form of social media snippet and are meant to attract attention. Focus on the same topics as you would with any other social media content.

Why it Works: Consistent creation of these content types keeps your brand visible online. People are more likely to consider a familiar brand when making purchasing decisions. Additionally, shareable content helps you reach your target market and build brand awareness.

2. Goal: Generate Leads

  • Content Type Contenders:
    • Ebooks & White Papers: Offer in-depth, informative content in exchange for contact details. These lead magnets show your expertise and attract people looking for solutions like yours.
    • Webinars: Run in-depth webinars on industry problems. Show how your B2B SaaS solves them. Webinars let you chat live with potential customers and demo your product’s features.
    • Case Studies & Customer Success Stories: Build trust by sharing how real customers succeed with your software. It shows potential customers that your product actually works!

Why it Works: Offering valuable gated content attracts leads who are interested in your product. Additionally, webinars and success stories offer a personalized touch for potential customers. That deeper engagement increases the chance of conversion.

3. Goal: Educate Existing Customers

  • Content Type Choices:
    • Customer Guides & FAQs: Use these to answer common questions and provide step-by-step instructions. This empowers customers to get the most out of your solution and reduces support inquiries.
    • Blog Posts with How-To Tips: Educate your customers on advanced features. Highlight new functionalities and showcase best practices for using your B2B SaaS solution.
    • Customer Webinars & Knowledge Base Articles: Offer in-depth training for existing customers. They can learn about advanced topics, get answers to their product questions, and help themselves whenever they need it.

Why it Works: Useful content helps customers get the most out of your product. This leads to more users, happier customers, and recommendations.

Just make sure to mix things up from time to time. Don’t limit yourself to one type of content format. A healthy content mix caters to different goals and audience preferences.

The Power of Repurposing

Creating high-quality content takes time and effort. But the good news is, you don’t have to start from scratch every time. Repurposing allows you to breathe new life into existing content, reaching a wider audience and maximizing its value. Here’s how:

Repurposing Strategies in Action

  • From Blog Post to Social Media:
    • Extract key points from your blog post to create a series of engaging social media posts (Twitter threads, LinkedIn carousels).
    • Develop eye-catching pictures or short videos to go with your social media posts. These should highlight the main points from your blog.
  • From Webinar to Blog Series:
    • Repurpose the recording of your informative webinar into a series of blog posts. Each one should focus on a specific aspect of the webinar’s content.
    • Break down the key points, add visuals (screenshots, slides), and optimize each blog post for relevant search terms.
  • From Ebook to Infographic:
    • Turn the key facts and figures from your informative ebook into a lovely infographic.
    • Focus on the most impactful data points. Use clear visuals to communicate complex information in an easily digestible format.
  • From Customer Interview to Case Study:
    • Turn an insightful customer interview into a compelling case study. Showcase the real-world impact of your B2B SaaS solution.
    • Highlight the challenges the customer faced. Show how your product addressed those challenges, and the positive results they achieved.

Repurposing Benefits

  • Maximizes Content ROI: You get more mileage out of your content efforts by reaching new audiences. This extends the lifespan of valuable information.
  • Saves Time & Resources: Repurposing is a time-efficient way to create fresh content. It’s better than always starting from scratch.
  • Boosts Brand Consistency: Using the same voice in all your content makes your brand clearer.
  • Enhances SEO: Providing content in various formats increases your website’s search engine visibility. This can help to attract more qualified traffic.

Additional Tips

  • Repurpose Across Platforms: Make your existing content work for different platforms. Keep it short for social media and more in-depth for blogs.
  • Optimize for Different Content Types: Ensure the content aligns with the chosen format. For example, add visuals to infographics or adjust the tone of voice for social media posts.
  • Credit Your Source: Give credit when you reuse your own content. This could be a link to a blog post, video, or something else.

Strategically repurposing your valuable content helps expand reach and boost brand awareness. Plus, it’s much more economical than always creating content from scratch.

Make great content for your B2B SaaS company by picking the right formats to reach new customers, teach current ones, and grow your business.