Why Your Ideal Customer Should Dictate Your Content Strategy

You’ve poured your heart and soul into building a fantastic B2B SaaS product. But how do you get the right people to know about it, let alone understand its value? The answer lies in speaking the language of your ideal customer. This means tailoring your content strategy to their specific needs, interests, and pain points.

Imagine walking into a crowded room full of people. Some are looking for a relaxing massage, others for a high-intensity workout class. To grab someone’s attention, you wouldn’t offer a generic “healthy lifestyle” speech, right? You’d tailor your message to their specific needs.

The same principle applies to content marketing for your B2B SaaS. Your target audience isn’t a monolith. They have unique challenges, goals, and areas of interest. Here’s why you need to understand them:

  • Relevance is King: The best content connects with your ideal customer. It should address their specific problems and interests to keep them reading.
  • Prioritizing Pain Points: Listen to their problems. By solving them, you prove your solution is the answer.
  • Building Trust: Content that speaks their language builds trust and establishes you as a thought leader in their industry.

So, how do you get inside your ideal customer’s head?

  • Buyer Personas: Develop detailed profiles of your ideal customer.
  • Customer Research: Talk to your customers and analyze their data to learn what they want.
  • Social Listening: Listen in on social media to see what your ideal customers are talking about.

Let’s dig a little deeper into how to do this.

1. Buyer Personas

Think of a buyer persona as a fictional character representing your ideal customer. We learn about who they are (age, job title, company size). But what matters most is what they’re trying to achieve (goals) and the problems they face (challenges).

How to create a Buyer Persona

  • Brainstorm: Gather your sales and marketing teams. Let’s map out our dream customer.
  • Research: Talk to your customers! Look at their data, send a quick survey, or chat with a few directly.
  • Fill the Gaps: Use this information to flesh out your persona, giving them a name, a job title, and specific challenges they face.

Example Buyer Persona

  • Name: Sarah Jones
  • Title: Marketing Manager at a mid-sized tech company
  • Challenge: Struggles to generate qualified leads through traditional marketing methods.
  • Goal: Find a cost-effective way to attract high-quality leads who are a good fit for her company’s product.
  • Solution: Your B2B SaaS solution automates lead nurturing and helps Sarah target the right audience.

Buyer personas and the Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) work great together. Buyer personas tell you who your customer is, while the Jobs-to-be-Done framework shows why they need your product.

Combine them for Better Personas

  1. Start with Buyer Persona Basics: Create a basic profile of your ideal customer with age, job title, and company size.
  2. Uncover the “Jobs”: Use the JTBD framework to identify the functional jobs your ideal customer is trying to accomplish.
    • What tasks are they trying to complete?
    • What problems are they trying to solve in their work?
    • What are the desired outcomes they’re seeking?
  3. Integrate Jobs into Persona: Incorporate the identified “jobs” into your buyer persona.


  • Persona: Sarah Jones, Marketing Manager at a mid-sized tech company.
  • Job 1: Generate high-quality leads for her company’s product. (Functional Need: Lead Generation)
  • Job 2: Streamline lead nurturing process to save time and resources. (Functional Need: Efficiency)


  • Deeper Understanding: It’s easy to create content that solves a problem when you know what your customer wants to do.
  • Targeted Content: You can tailor content to different stages of the “job” (e.g., awareness vs. consideration).
  • More Effective Messaging: Your content tackles the jobs your audience needs to do, making it more impactful.


  • Conduct customer interviews to understand the specific context and challenges surrounding their “jobs.”
  • Use JTBD alongside buyer persona research, not as a replacement.
  • Consider different types of “jobs” your ideal customer might have (functional, social, emotional).

Understanding who your customer is (buyer personas) and what they’re trying to do (Jobs-to-be-Done) gives you a clear picture of who they are. This lets you create better content that attracts the right people and turns them into customers.

2. Customer Research

Customer research allows you to gather direct feedback from your target audience. This helps you understand their needs, preferences, and pain points in more depth.

Customer Research Methods

  • Surveys: Use quick online surveys to learn more about your ideal customer. Ask questions about who they are and what kind of content they like.
  • Interviews: Talk to potential customers to learn about their problems and how they typically buy.
  • Customer Support Analysis: Look at past customer service chats and emails to see what problems people often have.

3. Social Listening

Social listening is like eavesdropping on conversations with your target audience and industry. It allows you to see what topics they’re discussing, what challenges they’re facing, and what kind of content resonates with them.

Social Listening Tools

  • Social media platforms: Use the features built into social media to see what people are saying about your brand and your industry. They’re free and it’s a good place to start.
  • Social listening platforms: Tools like Mention, Brand24, and Keyhole can track what people are saying about you online. They offer more powerful features than free options.

Do these things for your content plan. You’ll learn more about your ideal customer and create content they’ll love.

Tailoring your content to your ideal customer, you create a win-win situation. They get valuable information that solves their problems. You attract qualified leads who are more likely to convert into paying customers.

Remember, content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to create great content for your ideal customers. It’s how you’ll build brand awareness, trust, and lasting growth for your B2B SaaS company.